Emerging U.K. Niche Sectors

Technological, virological and capital market disruption have, to varying degrees and at different speeds, taken the investment shine off traditional U.K. core commercial real estate sectors over the last few years. ‘Non-core’ sectors, such as student accommodation and self-storage, have taken up the slack to some extent. However, the real estate market never stands still and new property types continue to institutionalise. Green Street has recently published new research on two emerging sectors in the U.K. – lab space and industrial outdoor storage.

Tune in to this 45-minute webinar to hear Green Street’s views on:

• The outlook for these ‘new’ sectors
• Lessons from the past on the maturation of U.K. non-core sectors
• Takeaways from growth in non-core U.S. REITs
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Anyone with the event link can attend
  • Dial-in available? listen only: Yes.
  • Dial-in Number: Please register for this event to view the dial-in info.